Monday, September 6, 2010


I could turn this into a Beatles song, but yesterday was actually pretty horrible.

I woke up queasy, ate some crackers and flat ginger ale and was still queasy. I finally put on the Sea Bands so we could get lunch (I couldn't keep breakfast down so there's no real point in mentioning it) and discovered that the lovely bands have given me bruises on my pressure points. So now I'm queasy AND in pain. Lovely.

After walking around town for 20 minutes, we went to this taco place for lunch called Zapata. We had seen billboards for it and my husband had been salivating to try it so we went. They charged $5.75 for a taco. No, I'm not kidding. The tacos were quite large, but incredibly disappointing. The meat was not spiced well (maybe a little salt), the cheese was just sliced American, and then there was fresh lettuce and tomato. I also got rice which turned out to be just plain yellow rice. The restaurant smelled medicinal from some scented stuff in the bathroom which just made the whole situation worse. Hubby got a flauta and a taco and the meal came to around $28. Let me repeat- $28 for two tacos, a flauta, some rice, two drinks, and sour cream (they charged us extra for sour cream). We will not be going back.

We came home, both of us got sick (misery loves company) and laid on the bed for a while. When I felt up to it, we got in the car and went to the grocery store to get stuff to make dinner. By the time we got home, I felt super sick, hubby didn't want to cook, and so I had some dark russet potato chips and dip. That came back up so I gave up on food and watch Futurama until I fell asleep.

Rough day, but glad it wasn't a working day. I have also informed my husband that if we're going to have more children, we're adopting.

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