Monday, September 20, 2010


OK, I've been slacking a bit. I'm sorry. It's been one hell of a week.

I've written what happened from Friday the 10th to Wednesday. On Thursday, my mother called me to let me know her dog Goldie (whom I threatened to take home with me several times because she's so awesome) had passed away at 11 years old. She was a great dog, very loving, and just a sweetie. Needless to say Thursday was filled with tons of crying. Food was a turkey sandwich for breakfast with hashbrowns, I don't remember lunch but it doesn't matter much since I threw it up anyways, and dinner was trusty saltines and water with lemon (I'm so tired of ginger ale!).

Friday I went to see my dietitian Jacque who told me that my fat was down (yay) but I'm retaining more fluid (boo). I need to drink more water since I'm dehydrating myself with all this getting sick. I had a turkey sandwich for breakfast, a small sub for lunch, and some homemade burritos for dinner. My father in law called to let us know that he's deciding to fix the clutch instead of playing around with the cars so we had to give him $250.

Saturday we went to my grandmother's house for a small birthday get together. Breakfast ended up being crackers and water since I tried eating a burrito and got sick within five minutes. We traveled two and a half hours to my grandmother's and my husband developed a migraine. Most of the visit was spent with hubby falling asleep on my lap while I talked with my grandma. She made us lunch while we waited for my parents to show up (hubby and I got there at 12:30, parents didn't show up til 4) and we had some lovely sandwiches. She was going to make us dinner, but it was such a long trip that we had to leave before it was finished. My parents made sure to make me feel as guilty as possible for it, but I plan on calling my grandma today and telling her how sorry I am for vamoosing. I ended up having some popcorn chicken from KFC for dinner because it was the most mild thing we could find on the go. Went home, went to bed.

Sunday was painful. I couldn't keep anything down except ramen soup (at dinner time), was plagued with sharp headache pain, and couldn't catch my breath for some reason. We gave the money to hubby's Dad and he says he hopes to have the car fixed within the next two weeks.

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