Monday, September 6, 2010

Sympathy Tummy Aches

It appears my hubby either has sympathy morning sickness or his seasonal allergies are causing him to throw up. I asked my mother and she claims my father did the same during her first trimester with me. I hope I get over this sickness quickly, for both our sakes.

I have been throwing up periodically throughout the day. Breakfast was gone within a half hour of eating it (saltines and flat ginger ale) and my spaghetti in tomato sauce went only half digested. I wore the sea bands all day in hopes it would help, but nope. Working out consisted of doing a stair stepper motion on my Wii board for about 10 minutes, about the time I got sick again. Had chicken noodle soup for dinner and so far it's managed to stay with me. Old remedies die hard.

I am dreading going to work tomorrow. I don't hate my job, it's actually quite nice. I can wear what I like, talk (for the most part) how I like, and my co-workers are decently easy to get along with. Focus at work has been difficult lately, mainly because I feel so ill all the time. I wanted to get pregnant so badly, it never occurred to me that it would be this rough. Ugh.

I haven't been speaking so much about fat yet, but I'll get there. I'm learning little by little to accept the fat I've got and not want to change that. For me, a big hurdle was passed today when I thought, "I'm a big, fat stupid, idiot," and immediately realized that being fat has absolutely nothing to do with my intelligence. Why would I associate them together? I resolved not to do that any longer.

Sorry to cut this short, but my head is pounding which is most likely due to the stomach issues today.

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