Monday, September 13, 2010


And I was doing so well!

I didn't post on Saturday due to being overwhelmed with tons to do and didn't post Sunday because my husband had a car accident and we spent a lot of time trying to get everything back in order. Let me explain.

Friday I had the same breakfast and lunch as I've basically been having all week (just substitute spaghetti for fancy franks). I don't remember what we had for dinner, I just remember that I didn't keep it down.

Saturday we ran around looking at three different apartment complexes for a two bedroom (that's affordable) and then we had to go to CVS for my prenatal vitamins and hubby's decongestants. We also had to go to visit hubby's Nana, visit his mother, and his father/step mother's house. Breakfast was pancakes with homefries and it was yummy. After Nana's visit, my husband said I looked pale and realized I needed to eat. He took me to Panera Bread where I had half of a Bacon Turkey Bravo and some baked potato soup. By the time we got home I was having insanely painful cramps, which scared the hell out of me. I did not have a miscarriage, it was just my tummy angry at me. I honestly don't remember what I had for dinner.

Sunday ended up being busier than expected. We went to breakfast with hubby's step mom and father at a local diner where I had the thickest pancakes I'd ever eaten. I was waddling around, I felt so full. It was raining, so hubby and I spent the rest of the morning sitting around and talking. Around lunch time, hubby made some burritos from chicken, rice, and cheese along with a few tacos. For some reason I got the craving for gummi bears and hubby went out to get me some (I felt like I'd get very very sick if I didn't have them). He ended up not going very far when the bottle he was drinking from slipped and went under his brake, cause him to rear end a truck. Luckily the truck wasn't hurt at all, but hubby's car needed a new hood and front light. The rest of the day was spent calling/running around looking for replacement parts and getting them to my father-in-law so he could fix the car. Hubby's OK, just a little bruised. I ended up picking up some Arby's roast beef sandwiches for us for dinner, but he barely touched his and I didn't keep mine down.

Long weekend. Rough weekend. The car's not fixed yet, so I had to drive hubby to work this morning. I got to work an hour early as a result. This will most likely be my week. Yay.

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