Friday, September 3, 2010

It starts...

Let me be the first to say this- I'm not a very good blogger.

I've started and killed many a blog, promised readers they'd be getting the full scoop and getting to see the darkest reaches of my brain. Of course no one really wants to see that kind of thing, not even myself, so the blogs never really took off.

So how is this blog any different?

For one, my dietitian is going to have the URL and she's been pushing me for a while to have a food journal/exercise journal that she can read. This is a perfect forum for me as I don't have to actually handwrite anything! I know it's kind of cheating, but if the world can see, maybe I'll be more accountable.

I am now seven weeks and three days pregnant. I am fat, which isn't a bad thing, but I'm not as healthy as I should be. This blog is going to celebrate who I am, what my body is going through at the moment, and how I am going to try and be healthier for my growing child.

This blog is not a weight loss blog and never will be. I am not built to be skinny, nor do I have the desire to be so. I want to be healthier by keep my already awesome blood pressure where it is, lowering my blood sugars, keeping my cholesterol in check, and doing what I can to make sure I have the healthiest baby I can.

There will be fat pride stories here. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it.

I am a Fat Momma.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! Go Momma go! Hanging with you the whole way my friend!
