Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Goodness gracious

I got my new phone on Monday. It's my first smart phone, a Droid X, so it's been taking all of my attention for the past two days. I have a koi pond as a wallpaper! The koi move!

Anyways, Monday was relatively uneventful. I worked and fretted for most of the day, as usual. I had a turkey breakfast sandwich for... well, breakfast. I don't eat eggs so it was turkey and a little bit of cheddar on an english muffin. I had a bagel sandwich for lunch (turkey, cheddar, tomato, with a little mayo) with a granny smith apple and a lot of water. Dinner was from Taco Bell, which was inconsequential within five minutes of eating it.

Tuesday involved a homemade sub from my hubby for breakfast/mid morning snack. It was huge so I only ate half of it for actual breakfast. I had a turkey sandwich for lunch and some pringles later on to curb the nausea. Again, dinner wasn't kept so no need to go into it.

As I wrote before, Goldie passed away last Thursday. She was a gorgeous dog with a fantastic personality and I miss her terribly. I got an email yesterday from my mother saying that Scuffy (her other dog) was moping around and not eating so she went down to the SPCA to see what they had. She then met Nyla (a golden brown dog of unknown origin) whom she immediately took home. I'm not sure how I feel about it, since I don't think anyone's had the proper time to grieve the passing of Goldie, but it's not my house. Nyla looks like a sweet dog and I hope she's a good pal to Scuffy.

I haven't been reading much lately in my fat acceptance book because I've been spending all extra time sleeping. I hope to read a bit more of Fat!So? tonight as I can feel myself slipping into old habits. I called myself a "big girl" on the phone to my grandmother the other day and corrected myself saying "I'm fat." You can be big and not be fat, I happen to be both. Be specific! I've always hated the word "fat"- I hate the way it sounds and evokes bad imagery. I'm trying to accept the word and use it.

1 comment:

  1. I can understand not having time to grieve, but it also saved Nyla's life. :) It gives a positive focus to the household while still dealing with the loss.
