Thursday, September 16, 2010

And now for something completely different...

Not really, but it's been an eventful past few days.

Tuesday was normal until the evening. On my way home, my car was just crawling from gear to gear, just going extremely slow. I called my father in law and told him, so he told me to bring the car around and he'd look at it. We got there just in time for him to have fixed my hubby's car.

He drove my car a little and told me that my clutch was going and that it would cost around $250 to get the parts. He also said he had no idea how long it would take him to fix it. So now he's talking about playing car roulette and possibly getting me a replacement car, selling mine at auction, and so on and so forth. In the meantime, I will continue to drive my husband to and from work every day. Yay overtime!

We got home late to see our new lease application and such at our doorstep with some confusing news, so I had to wait to talk to the lady at the front office (she's super nice).

Wednesday was going along fine, got a lot of stuff figured out and had appointments rescheduled. Around 1/1:30 I started experiencing a little cramping and found myself to be bleeding. After rubbing my tummy in the bathroom while I cried, I called my doctor who asked me to come in for an ultrasound at 4. I called my hubby and told my boss I might be having a miscarriage, so he sent me home. I sobbed the entire drive home, pleading with God not to take my baby (I've actually been crying a lot lately over everything). The ultrasound proved that everything's fine. We got to see the little one's heart beat and the baby kept wiggling and waving. It was like the baby knew we were watching! Of course we're only 9 weeks along so the baby looks kinda like a gummi bear at the moment, but lordy is it cute.

I'm not going to comment on food. I can't even remember what I ate the past few days. I was a bit stressed/worried/crazy.

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