Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bad girl!

Lazy lazy lazy day. Could barely stay awake!

I fell asleep last night around 8pm, possibly earlier. I have no idea when my husband came to bed, but once he did I could not fall back asleep. His allergies are in full swing and goodness can that man snore when he's clogged up. We got him some allergy meds today so hopefully that will help.

One of the kitties had a doctor appointment today for a weeping eye at 11 am. Breakfast was quick- a flat bread sandwich and hash browns from Dunkin Donuts with bottled water. I wasn't going to add to my already somewhat bad for me breakfast by getting a fruity drink so thank goodness for Aquafina. Doctor appointment went well, she just needs some ointment which I can pick up Tuesday after work.

We came home and I felt the need for a nap. I got gently shaken awake saying that we need to go visit my husband's grandmother today (we visit every Saturday) so off we went. It's now 1:30 pm, and I haven't eaten anything since 10:30 am so here comes the nausea! "But I'm driving!" I say to my tummy. "Nausea waits for no one!" my tummy screams back.

Nana was pleasant today, didn't comment on my weight once. Normally my weight comes up at some point during the visit where I'm told if I want to lose weight I "should just stop eating." I usually laugh, tell her I don't want to lose weight, just get healthier, and then she sits in confusion for a bit. She's a nice lady, just likes to push buttons. As soon as I realized that, she no longer had any power over me. I think she likes me more for it.

We spent a good hour after the visit looking for this damned taco place my husband has been salivating for but refuses to actually call them to get directions. I finally said if I didn't eat soon he would be wearing what little was left in my stomach and so we hit up a diner. I had a gyro wrap with fries and beef noodle soup. It was delicious, but the queasiness would not stop. We stopped at the CVS and got hubby allergy meds and Sea Bands for me (a sweet friend on plurk suggested them and I figured why not?).

The Sea Bands work! I still get little bits of nausea, but they rapidly fade away. Only problem is the bands are so tight on my wrists that I can't wear them for more than a few hours. I noticed that the back of my hands were starting to hurt for no reason, especially around my ring finger knuckles. I had to take them off for the time being.

It ticks me off a little- these things work for me, but because of a "one-size-fits-all" mentality, the little bands barely stretch enough over my large bone structure. I know some folks say there's no such thing as big boned, but I'm living proof that there is. There's barely any fat on my lower arms and my bone structure is huge. Don't get me wrong, I'm still fat. I'm just lucky to be both. Call me the clydesdale of the human race.

Dinner was one hot dog and some ginger ale. Hubby didn't feel like cooking anything complicated and neither did I, so we settled for cheap and easy. It was a good hot dog, so yay! Before we made hot dogs though, I made hubby go on a brief walk around the neighborhood with me. It's not a nice neighborhood, but who's honestly got to mess with a fat chick dressed in a black A-shirt with her hair dyed pink and black? I looked awesomely butch and I LOVED it.

Anyways, it's 10:31 pm and I'm going back to sleep. Night kids!

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