Thursday, October 14, 2010

Oh dear...

I am experiencing growing pains. They are annoying to say the least, especially when I'm trying to walk. I get tired of hearing my husband ask, "Are you OK?" as I randomly clutch my side.

Due to seasonal allergies and an insane amount of post nasal drip, I have only been able to keep down my hubby's amazing ham, bean, and potato soup, some cheese, a few fruit snacks, and a lot of water.I'm going to the Rite Aid on the way home and seeing if I can't invest in some saline solution. Mucinex D would work, but I'm concerned that it may not be safe to take for prolonged periods of time while carrying my little one. Hopefully the saline will work.

We got keys to the new apartment last night and are going to start moving things over little by little. Tonight, the goal is to take one box each. I'm pretty sure we can do it.

Another goal is to do a load of laundry in the new apartment. This is embarrassing to admit, but last year we had a fire in our old apartment and I never finished cleaning the smoke clothes. We have bags of these clothes hanging out in closets that I just never washed. I had a clothes line up at our new place, but the complex manager had me take it down after a month so it just didn't get done. New place has two bathrooms so I figure since we're not living in there for the moment, I can hang the clothes all around the bathrooms while they air dry. It's been a year, I know, this should have been done a long time ago.

I only have half an hour of work left so I should probably look like I'm achieving something here at this job. In this economy, I can't lose what little income I have.

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